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Here at MTS we have an enviable reputation for our Timber beams.

The superb quality and grading of our beams is a result of careful timber sourcing and manufacturing at our own sawmill facility in Wicklow.

We can offer a complete bespoke service, cutting our Timber Beams to your exact dimensions. Our methods are flexible which allows us to create a large variety of styles and features tailored to your designs or requirements. Whether its Fresh Sawn or Air Dried Oak, Strength Graded Douglas Fir or just decorative / appearance grade Beams we have the solution for you.

Oak Beams Manual

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When required for structural applications, our in-house experts are certified by BM TRADA to grade softwood to the visual strength grades set out in BS:4978, and hardwood (tropical and temperate) to the visual strength grades set out in BS:5756. On completion, certification can be provided as required.

Natural Appearance

  • Douglas Fir heartwood is an attractive red/pink colour, with contrasting white sapwood and a pronounced grain featuring some live knots
  • European Oak is a golden brown colour and features a straight grain with very few knots

When used externally these species will weather to a beautiful shade of silver grey. When used internally, the colour will remain fairly consistent over time.

Checks and splits are an inherent characteristic of the beams, and in no way do they compromise their structural integrity.

Beams & Durability

The durability of the different species will be entirely dependent on whether the beam is used internally or externally, and in which type of application and setting. For further information on this, please consult our office.

Strength grade

Generally, the strength grades used will be C16 or C24 for softwood (Douglas Fir) and D30 or D40 for hardwood (European Oak).

Preservative Treatments

When used externally, we would recommend that Douglas Fir beams are pressure impregnated or treated with Sioo Wood Protection to increase their durability. Please note that oak beams do not require pressure treatment.

When used internally, Beams can be left natural or for a more enhanced finis we recommend the application of Osmo Polyx Oil.

Sizes – Cut to Order

Beams are available in sizes ranging from 100mm x 150mm up to 300mm x 300mm, dependent on availability.

As we mill all beams on site, we can ensure that you receive the exact length you require for your project. Standard lengths are 2.4 to 6 metres but longer lengths may be available so please discuss your requirements with our sales team.